IEE (Independent Educational Evaluation)
If your child's FIE (Full and Individualized Evaluation) is anything less than excellence, give us a call today! 832-535-9909
It is your legal right to request an IEE (Independent Educational Evaluation).
What you can expect from your IEE
Comprehensive evaluation with identified aptitude and abilities outlined in the strengths and weaknesses within the cognitive profile.
Develop compensatory strategies using pedagogical approaches that focus on explicit instruction making it possible to create a variety of learning situations.
Provide insight on the 7 cognitive processes outlining strengths and weakness in the cognitive profile and how they impact educational performance.
Provide resources and guide recommendations that are scientifically based to drive interventions, accommodations and/or modifications.
Administer, score, analyze, and interpret scores from a host of standardized assessment batteries which include but not limited to the (DIAL, Bayley Scales for Infants and toddlers, ABAS III, WJ IV-COG, WJ IV-ACH, WJ IV-OL, WISC V, DAS II, Standford Binet, Vineland III, WIAT – 3 KTEA 3, TERA 4, TEMA 3, TEWL 3, and KABC III, CTOPP, TOWRE, and GORT 5.
Observe and document metacognitive processes during academic tasks.
Assure continuity and relevance throughout the IEE to facilitate outcomes that lead to maximum potential, self-sufficiency, and independence.
When applicable: Review physician medical reports, investigate genetic syndromes and how they impact developmental milestones.
The cost of a comprehensive cognitive evaluation is $2,000. A team approach is optional for additional cost. i.e. (Physician, Psychologist, and Speech Language Pathologist) for suspected ADHD, Autism, and Emotional Disturbance. **Rates apply per specialist. A full individual evaluation in all 5 domains (Physical, Language, Emotional/Behavioral, Cognitive/Achievement, and Adaptive Behavior) is likely to total up to $4,500, depending on which disciplinarians are needed. Contact us for your specific needs.
3 most common learning disabilities
DYSLEXIA - A learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed. Dyslexia occurs across the range of intellectual abilities.
DYSGRAPHIA - A disorder of writing ability at any stage, including problems with letter formation/legibility, letter spacing, spelling, fine motor coordination, rate of writing, grammar, and composition.
DYSCALCULIA- learning disorder that affects a person's ability to understand number-based information and math. People who have dyscalculia struggle with numbers and math because their brains don't process math-related concepts like the brains of people without this disorder.